Bicycle Transportation and Multi-use Trail Master Plan
Proposed Corrections and Additions

``Connecting Alexandria's Neighborhoods''

Alexandria Bicycle Committee

November 1, 2001

Routes and Projects in Current Bike Plan

See Bike Plan for more detail, numbers correspond to Bike Plan projects.

A1. W&OD right of way between Raymond and Jeff Davis Highway.  Rejected
by city staff for bike plan due to neighborhood resistance.  Jefferson
Park in favor, Del Ray deferred to Randolph Street residents who are
concerned about opening the trail with the current state of commercial
properties to the north.  Concept of neighborhood connection to Potomac
Yards retained in Bike Plan.  (See also projects C3 and P17.)

A2.  Improve Taney Avenue path between Foxchase and Gordon Street.

A3.  Chambliss Connector is a priority for the Bike Committee and
endorsed by Lincolnia Hills/Haywood Glen Citizen's Association.  There
is some resistance from segments of Dowden Terrace neighborhood.  Would
link to Fairfax County plan for a trail running along stream valley to
Columbia Pike.

A4.  Eisenhower Valley Greenway TEA 21 grant application updates Bike
Plan for a 4.5 mile trail running the entire length of Eisenhower Valley
with the first phase to include a trail under Eisenhower Avenue at
Cameron Run. TEA 21grant application approved by the state for the first
phase in the central section.  City plans to submit a follow-on
application for the second phase of the central section.  Much work with
developers needs to be done for east and west sections.

A5.  (and B4.) Wilson Bridge Approach substantially revised by
Eisenhower Valley Greenway (See City TEA21 application for details) and
Wilson Bridge projects.  Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are
included in the WWB project for the US Route 1 and Telegraph Road
interchanges and the Mount Vernon Trail through Jones Point.  See WWB
web site for details.

A6. Tarleton Park Path Option 1 was approved by the Strawberry
Hills/Tarleton Park Citizens Association in the spring of 2001. 
Location of the trail on the north or south of the open park area is
still under debate.  

A7.  Mt Vernon/Abingdon Spur at Slaters Lane is extremely dangerous for
cyclists and pedestrians and will be more heavily used as Potomac Yards
is developed.  (Also see proposed project P17.)

A8. Holmes Run Park to Raleigh Ave, connecting Fox Chase Apartments and
the Holmes Run Trail, Fox Chase shopping center, library, and Ben
Brenman Park. Preferred route has been identified to go in a southerly
direction from the end of Raleigh to connect to Holmes Run Train near
the underpass of Duke Street. Currently under review by Holmes Run

A9.  Mill Race Connector in stream valley is important greenway for
future densely developed east end of Eisenhower Valley and as a through
connection between east and west ends of city with a new bridge across
Hooffs Run. (Also see proposed project P19.)

B1. Eisenhower interchange with beltway completed with bike and
pedestrian accommodation including a link through soundwall to Fairfax

B2. King Street/Beauregard interchange improvements pending in VDOT

B3. Braddock Road VDOT project was modified to include bike and
pedestrian accommodations, some improvements still needed.

B4. Wilson Bridge (see A5)

B5. King Street Railroad underpass VDOT project has been cancelled at
the request of the city.

B6. Eisenhower Connector now under study by city and must have bike and
pedestrian accommodation. West End of Cameron Station should have a
bike-ped connection to the Van Dorn Street Metro Station.

B7. Van Dorn/Landmark corridor needs a thorough study for use of
non-motorized transportation.  Recent VDOT initial plan to improve a
section of Van Dorn Street ignored need for bicycle accommodation as
required by Federal guidelines; now under consideration.

B8.  Telegraph Road needs bike/ped access from Duke Street to Eisenhower
Valley, under study by city and VDOT in connection with Wilson Bridge

C1. Carlyle project plans need to be integrated into Eisenhower Valley
Greenway plan.

C2.  Cameron Station has some loose ends, for example, a  short-cut path
connection to the Trade Center Shopping Center.

C3.  Potomac Yards concept plan well addresses bikes and pedestrians,
with a centerpiece a Linear Park path running between Braddock Road and
Four-Mile Run.  (See also projects A1 and P17.)

C4.  Jamieson Connector completed after 2 years of dangerous rerouting
on Duke Street when sewage treatment plant closed trail to the south.

There are several bike routes in the plan that still require signage
and/or agreements with private property owners (new numbering scheme):


R1. Trail between the end of Francis Hammond Parkway and Forest Park has
been used for many years.  A stream runs along FH Pkwy so this land is
in an RPA and the path connecting FH and the park appears to be an

R2. An unsigned bike route runs through the Masonic Temple property. In
the wake of increased security, this route has been closed.  Taylor Run
Citizens Association plans to meet with Masonic Temple to ask for a

R3. A very useful connector lies just west of the city limits on what
appears to be a non-public road in Fairfax County starting at the end of
Pickett St, around the parking lot for Smoot Lumber/Computer Learning
Center, and exiting at Edsall Rd opposite Winter View Dr Turkey Cock

Potential Locations for Bike and Pedestrian Neighborhood Connections

P1.  Behind the First Christian Church on King St generally across from
Melrose St. there is vacant land at the back of the parking lot with a
path through to Summers circle used by bikes and pedestrians as the only
cut through for 1~  miles between Walnut and Scroggins.

P2.  Buzzards Gap. A trail is planned by the developer from extended
Pickett Street south to Polk Avenue over the old Pickett Street right of
way.  The on-road sections of Pickett Street between Taney and Polk and
between Maury and Seminary should be designated as bike routes to
connect these off-road sections with existing bike routes. 

P3.  Between Seminary Rd and Braddock Rd behind the fire station would
be an extension of the Buzzards Gap route to get to Ft Ward Park.

P4.  Holmes Run Park to Pickett St existing path needs upgrade.

P5.  Lake Cook to Holmes Run Trail (.5 mile total, .25 mile new): A
trail exists (partially paved) from the Lake Cook dam to the NVRPA
parking lot. Propose completing the paving of the existing trail and
extending the trail behind the batting cages, picnic area, and behind
the new animal shelter site (along the tracks) to connect with the
Holmes Run Trail. This would enhance the NVRPA property and allow
cyclist and pedestrians to avoid the park and animal shelter parking lot
entrances/exits. The NVRPA Board may support this.

P6.  Mill Road (.5 mile total, .25 mile new): Mile Road realignment will
include a wide curb lane to accommodate bike route.


P7.  Brenman Park Bridge Loop (.5 mile total, .5 mile existing): All
that is needed to complete this bridge loop is about 100 yards of
asphalt connecting the east bridge (near the volleyball courts) west to
the existing pavement and paving both ramps to the west bridge.

P8.  Dartmouth Road between Crown View Dr. and Skyhill Road is currently
dead-ended and needs a path.  Walkers making their way around a fence
currently use it.


P9.  The back of Ft Ward Park needs a path connection to Van Dorn St.


P10.  Between Jones Pt. Road and the south end of Lee St, near the WWB. 
With the disapproval of the second path in Jones Point Park, this
connection needs to be retained.

P11. Stevenson Park to Yoakum Parkway to connect this city park to condo

P12.  Landover Street dead-ends at Landover Park.  A path would provide
easy access from Warwick Village and high rise apartments to retail on
Mt Vernon Ave. and Glebe Rd.

P13.  Backlick Run from city boundary to Cameron Station.  This is
currently an industrial area along a stream valley.  Consideration
should be given to reclaiming this as an environmental asset as
redevelopment takes place.  Would connect to Turkey Cock Run, which
Fairfax County is reclaiming.

P14. Just west of the city, the new trail along Turkey Cock Run should
be extended under I-395 using the existing box culverts. This project
would be under the jurisdictions of VDOT and FCPA, but it's an important
need, especially for west end residents, and putting it in the city's 

greenways plan may help advance it.

P15.  Holmes Run is the city's longest greenway.  The current trail,
which is a segment of the Potomac Heritage trail and a major bicycle and
pedestrian transportation crossing of !-395, would be substantially
improved with 2 projects. 

The underpass and tunnels under I-395 need to be upgraded to improve
water problems and lighting.

The trail currently has a dangerous at-grade crossing at Beauregard that
could be eliminated with an underpass crossing at the location of the
bridge over the stream.  

P16.  West Glebe Road between South Glebe Road and Martha Custis needs
improvements as either an on-street bike route or off street multi-use
path.  Arlington County has an approved project to extent the Four-mile
Run Trail under Glebe Road and under I-395.  The improvements are needed
to allow safe access to this major regional trail by Alexandria

P17.  Slaters Lane and Monroe Street.  As part of the Potomac Yards
project, a bicycle and pedestrian overpass of the rail and metro lines
was included in the concept plan approved by City Council.  A plan for
realigning the Monroe Street Bridge is favored by the City Council,
which may replace the separate bicycle pedestrian crossing.  As these
plans develop, the bicycle pedestrian access between the east and west
of Potomac Yards needs to be maintained and coordinated with bicycle and
pedestrian improvements made to Slaters Lane, which is a primary access
point to the Mount Vernon Trail and waterfront.  (See also projects A1
and C3.) 

P18.  Eisenhower Valley to Huntington.  The Wilson Bridge project
currently has approved bicycle and pedestrian projects at Route 1 and
Telegraph Road.  The Huntington neighborhood of Fairfax County has
picked up on a proposed rejected in the WWB stakeholder panel process
for a greenway trail on the south of Cameron Run between Telegraph and
Route 1.  A bridge across the beltway co-located with the Metro Bridge
would greatly improve bicycle and pedestrian access between residential
areas of Fairfax County and the employment/retail developments in

P19.  Hooff's Run between Eisenhower Avenue and I-495.  This stream
Valley area would extend south from the area of the African-American
Heritage Park to the proposed Mill Race trail and provide a recreational
resource for the large employment area of the PTO.  Connecting with the
Mill Race trail would provide a nice loop walking area.  Connecting to
the restored trail along the south edge of the Sewage Treatment Plant
would provide access to the Old Town area. (See also project A9.) 

P20.  Incorporate all segments of the Alexandria Heritage Trail in the
City Bike Plan.
(Above in msword format: file.doc)
Last modified: Mon Nov 19 11:19:32 EST 2001