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Alexandria Is Now a Better Place to Live!!

by Chan Mohney

Member, Alexandria Bicycle Study Committee

'Twas the dawn of a new day and all through the town,

Creatures were stirring in the air, water, and ground.

The City had just passed a bicycle transportation plan,

so our roads would be safer, our air and water cleaner.

Three years ago we said we'd do this, by George,

now that we have, we can't rest on the forge.

We must charge on, implement the plan,

and build the trails wherever we can.

Our faultless plan without a doubt,

Will make our streets safer for children and adults.

The Park Commission supports this, Sandra* does too,

Council approved money, not much, but for a start it'll do.

We can start right now,

oh! how we shout with joy.

But only the citizens can provide the glue,

to keep this plan moving and create a zoo?

See beaver, see deer, oh what a sight!

There's geese and ducks and muskrats on the right!

In the midst of a City,

One of the densest in the land!

I saw a 'possum on my morning ride to work,

what's it doing? It winked! What a flirt!

On blades, on foot, or run if you like,

This City is also a better place to bike!

We've taken the first step,

to make Alexandria a better place to live. 

And as I ride home in the warm afternoon sun I ponder,

Can you imagine doing this in.....NEW YORK CITY?!?!?

  • Sandra Whitmore is the new Director of our Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Activities. Welcome to Alexandria Sandra!!!

    Last May City Council passed the Bicycle Transportation and Multi-use Trail Master Plan as an amendment to the Transportation chapter of the City's Master Plan. The Plan is the result of about six years of hard work by a group of citizen volunteers--who became known as the Alexandria Bicycle Study Committee, some summer seasonal Recreation Department employees, and one dedicated City staffer--Ms. Buffie Brownstein.

    What does this do for us? First, it will create a system of 85 miles of on-street (69 miles) and off-street (16 miles) bicycle routes and multi-use trails with links to Fairfax and Arlington Counties. This is augmented by some 130 miles of neighborhood streets. The plan proposes 21 projects, including will be nine new off-street trails and connectors, bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly designs to eight highway and street projects, and provide bikeways in new developments such as Potomac Yards and Cameron Station. We will abandon some older bicycle routes--such as Duke Street--that have become unfriendly over the years as traffic has increased. Others will be re-routed to less traveled side streets or onto trails and connectors.

    We will be publishing a new map of our bicycle route system this spring. The map will highlight our recreational facilities--parks and rec centers--throughout the City as well as the bike routes and multi-use trails. But equally important, this map will highlight The Alexandria Heritage Trail. This 20-mile loop through the City that will pass by 40 or more historical sites from our colorful past. It is already designated on the map of the National Park Service's Potomac Heritage Trail. Alexandria Archeology will publish a book soon that will have a trip-tych-style map and explanations of the historical sites.

    What is ahead? Nothing!! That is, nothing if we think this plan will be implemented without continued support from the citizens. It took citizens to create the Master Plan. It will take citizens to help implement it. Late last year Council found some extra money and approved a proposal to use it for engineering studies. The proposed City budget for next year does not include trail construction funds. Additional funding will be sought through a grant application for enhancement funds from the new Federal transportation legislation, TEA-21. Our fair City's "bicycle coordinator," Buffie Brownstein, also is our landscape architect. Those are just two of her many, many hats. She needs help. She can't do it alone. The Study Committee is growing but we need more help. There are so many more things to be done. If you are interested in helping out please call Ms. Buffie Brownstein at 703-838-5040, or Mr. Bruce Dwyer at 703-549-3263, or Mr. Chan Mohney at 703-370-4358.

In addition, we lead a number of rides throughout the year. If you are interested in participating in these free events, please call Buffie at 703-838-5040 or me at 703-370-4358. Enjoy the ride!!! k