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Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Charter

The Alexandria Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) holds regular meetings open to the public on the third Monday of the month. The meetings are usually held the third Monday of each month from 7:00PM-9:00PM at the Durant Center (1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA).

Mission Statement: To provide citizen input in planning and programming bicycle and pedestrian improvements and in promoting bicycling and walking in the city of Alexandria.

Goals Include:

  • To provide citizen input in planning bicycle trails, bicycle parking and bicycle street access in Alexandria.

  • To promote bicycle and pedestrian safety, education, use, and awareness.

  • To inform the City Council, staff, and citizens about bicycling and pedestrian issues that affects the citizens of Alexandria.

  • To provide citizen input in the planning, review and implementation process for transportation projects in and around Alexandria.

  • To forge links with other citizen advisory committees and commissions in Alexandria, as well as in neighboring communities, that share issues common to bicycling and walking in Alexandria.

  • To work with the Alexandria city staff including the Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator to achieve these goals.

Membership: The Committee will include up to 15 voting members. The Committee membership should reflect the make-up of the Alexandria bicycling and pedestrian community. The committee should also include at least one member representing an Alexandria bike shop or the local bicycling industry. Members who miss three consecutive meetings may be removed from the Committee. New members will be appointed by the Committee Chair. All meetings will be open to attendance by the public.